Location: Toronto

Try me.

04 February, 2007


It's so much easier to write when I'm in a bad mood. Here's what caused it.

Apparently, Americans find this picture offensive.

Seriously. I actually need a few moments here to get myself together before I can continue writing. What the fuck is wrong with these people???

Here are some reactions, just to give you an idea.

"I was SHOCKED to see a giant breast on the cover of your magazine," one person wrote.
"I immediately turned the magazine face down," wrote another.
"Gross," said a third.

Gross??? What in the world is gross about it? It's a picture of a cute little baby breastfeeding. Why is that offensive? Why? Why? Why?

One mother who didn't like the cover explains she was concerned about her 13-year-old son seeing it. "I shredded it," said Gayle Ash, of Belton, Texas, in a telephone interview. "A breast is a breast — it's a sexual thing. He didn't need to see that."

First of all, lady, if you think you're 13 year old son hasn't seen a breast before, you are not naive, but plain stupid. Secondly, wouldn't you rather that your son see this picture and start associating breasts with something sacred and pure like feeding and nourishing babies, as opposed to the only other image out there that breasts are something that men whip out their dicks to jerk off at????

If you read the stories, there are many, that range from a woman being asked to get off a plane for nursing her baby to a woman being reprimanded in a food court for feeding her baby and asked to feed her baby in the bathroom instead, as it was offending people.

That's real nice. A poor baby can't be fed mother's milk at the food court while we stuff our fucking offensive mouths with fat-laden burgers. Classic American attitude.

Breastfeeding is highly offensive, while this is completely acceptable???

Bloody hypocrites.

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