Location: Toronto

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06 May, 2006

Friends versus Coupling

Coming up next: How to have fun in a university town!

Not that I would ever make the mistake of comparing the two shows, but there are some idiots who do.

"Oh, you should watch 'Coupling'. Then, you'll realize how blah 'Friends' is."
"'Coupling' is so much bolder than Friends. 'Coupling' is for grown-ups. 'Friends' is for kids."

Bah, I say. Bah humbug.

Until two weeks ago, I didn't have anything to say to these fools because I'd never watched 'Coupling'. So it would have been unfair on my part to make a comment comparing the two. (I'm not like those who think Crash deserved the Oscar and those who think Brokeback Mountain should have won it instead, even when both groups of people have clearly not seen the other movie in question.)

But seriously, what exactly is so great about 'Coupling'? I watched it and found it okay. Not boring but not exactly interesting either. Most 'Coupling' fans argue that the show has no qualms about saying anything and everything out loud. But that's what my problem is.

I don't have any issues with the boldness per se, but honestly, which scenario do you think is funnier?


Enter female with really huge breasts.

Oliver: Wow. She has really huge breasts!
Rest of Coupling cast: Yeah. Uhm-hmm. (etc. etc.)

Joey: Wow. She has really huge.. oww!!! (Chandler elbows Joey in the ribs.)
Chandler: EYES! She has REALLY huge eyes!
Rest of Friends cast: Yeah right!!! (dripping with sarcasm, obviously.)


Personally, I find the 'Friends' scene funnier. I think humour lies in things being innappropriate to say or do. If everyone is bold, and does and says whatever is on their mind, where the hell is any place in this world for double entendres??? Or for "Did I just say that aloud" moments???

Obviously, it is visually obvious to the viewers that the female has huge breasts. The fun is in being able to make something out of that moment, rather than someone stating the very very obvious.

What I'm trying to say is that those of you who want to be grown up, go ahead. Go watch your show, chuckle at appropriate moments and nod in agreement with your characters' dialogues. I'm going to be a kid and watch my show, snort juice out of my nose and fall off my seat laughing at Joey and Chandler's quasi-gay histrionics!!!

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