Location: Toronto

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02 May, 2006

"Feel the rain on your skin"

So, I took a break. A 10-day long break. And I treated myself to a WHOLE LOT OF FUN. (Actually I could write this entire post in caps lock and it would hardly begin to capture the amount of fun I had.)

But I'm going back. For sure. A month. Maybe two. Maybe five. But I will be at UIUC again. (That stands for University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, for the I-wasn't-good/rich-enough-to-be-looking-up-good-US-universities'-names. And that stands for United States (of America), for those of you who were born yesterday.)

Anyway, I'm really tired right now, so there'll be a post on this soon. Or 10 posts! I don't know. All I know is that no amount of money in the world can bring you the kind of joy that I experienced. (Well, I guess a couple of bucks did come in handy, what with all the yummy food we ate.)

Special thanks to Natasha Bedingfield. She changed my life forever!!!

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