Location: Toronto

Try me.

06 April, 2006

Alright. Time to change the mood out here.

Yes. It's true life gets good, bad and ugly. And mine's been ugly for a real long time now. But I guess I'll stop bothering you with all the crap because I'm sure frankly, most of you don't give a damn.

Anyway, here's a tag-like thingy I came across in a magazine. Here's my take on them.

  • I can't forget - those who've bitched about me behind my back. (Nor forgive.)
  • I am waiting for - death. (Not in a scary sort of way. But I believe that all dead people "go" somewhere and I sure would love to be with my dad again.)
  • Competition makes me - sympathetic. (Some people want to win SO bad, that I just let them.)
  • I just can't - tell you about my wild encounter.
  • Nothing works like - magic! (If I believed in god, I'd think he was David Blaine.)
  • Marriage for me is - like losing weight. (The idea sounds GREAT. Later, you realize how hard you have to work at it to be successful. But you know it's going to be worth it, and it sure as hell is.)
  • In a time machine, I would go to - any day in the past, when my dad and my uncle are alive.
  • Shopping for me is - what one does with money. (You make it to spend it, right?)
  • Music for me is - a painless teleporter. (Every song takes me to a different world.)
  • My clothes are inspired by - half the amount of money in my wallet. (Yes, I wear cheap clothes. So?)
  • My spice - Red hot chilli peppers. (Diversion alert! Dave Navarro... sigh!)
  • Success is - what is screwing up the world today. (People are so caught up in being successful that they're forgetting the other things that are more important.)
  • When in doubt - flip a coin! (It's rather amusing too when you're feeling indecisive.)
  • Astrology is - the perfect victim to blame your failures on. ("All the stars are conspiring against me. I don't think the planets like me too much either.")
  • Wild encounter - See above.
  • 2's company, 3's - kinky! (Ahem.)
  • Household chore I hate - shutting up my roommate. (Oh, it's a real chore, alright!)
  • Adventure is - doing something for the first time. (Whatever it may be.)
  • Language I want to learn - Chinese/Mandarin. (I think it'd be in my best interests to know what over 1 billion people are talking about.)
  • Gossiping is - not just a girl thing anymore. (It's even more of a gay thing.)
That's it. I'm done. You can go ahead and consider yourself tagged, if you wish.

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