Location: Toronto

Try me.

29 March, 2006


-by Ms. V

Man stabs kid, woman gang raped
Children shooting teachers; Daily such actions aped

Steal, mug, murder; Disrespecting lives
Bullet through a heart, Blood stained knives

Car crashes, drunk drivers
Robbing banks, homes set on fires

Fed everyday with such negativity
Losing all faith in our humanity

People hurting people
Our own kind of people
Other kinds of people
Are we behaving like people?

7 hours on end, doctors operated
Miracle baby born, the world celebrated

Man risks life to save that of stranger
Adopting orphaned kids, keeping them out of danger

Charity houses, education trusts
Relief measures, human rights activists

Sharing, caring, giving; Humanity's not lost
Good Samaritans, helping at their cost

People helping people
Our own kind of people
Other kinds of people
Living like we're people!

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