Location: Toronto

Try me.

15 March, 2006

New Release!

I don't really mind change, especially when there is a lot of it. But could I have it in bills please?

Okay fine. I'll stick to not trying to be funny. But I was dying for a new look for a long time, and then it happened. The html bug bit me. Plus, I think the 100-post mark was great timing too!

Now, I'm very very excited about how this page turned out. VERY. A couple of days ago, I couldn't tell HTML from SPCA. (I'm not much of an acronym person.) In fact, I'd asked someone else to create a new template for me. But then he left to go home for Holi. And I couldn't wait 10 days for him to be back. So, I decided that I had to take things into my own hands.

First things first. This page looks FABULOUS. If it doesn't, then:

  1. You're using the wrong browser, OS, screen, computer etc.
  2. You don't have certain plug-ins, fonts etc. required to view this page in all its splendour.
  3. You have really bad taste.

If after 5 days, this page still doesn't look fabulous, it obviously means you don't have enough geeks in your life. Or you still have bad taste. So, too bad for you.

For those of you who are poorly equipped (technologically, of course), here's what it should look like.

[This page looks its best in FireFox 1.5, which is what I use. It looks okay in Internet Explorer 5.0 too. It's easier to read in IE actually because the text is more spaced out. There's a horizontal page scroll bar which can be happily ignored. The 'Now Playing' doesn't blink in IE.]

Now, I'd like to go over the features of this blog.

  1. As you can see, it's very black, white and grey, and I love it! I hope you've been able to catch that there's a theme to this page.
  2. Okay, so, I love the font of the title. It's called Broadway, weirdly!
  3. The popcorn picture and the moving reel rock! So do the tickets. Aren't they cute?
  4. I've used to maintain your links and they have a logo with colours that match my blog. And when someone updates, the name is appended with 'a popcorn'. So freaking cool, eh! (Is the singular for it also popcorn???) Oooh, and hover over the names for cool descriptions.
  5. The 3,2,1 animation you see has been created by me. Woohoo! Okay, just go along with me here. I've NEVER done such stuff before. I can't even use MS Office applications to the best of their potential. I downloaded so many new programs (Adobe Photoshop, Ulead Animator) to help me dazzle this page. And I feel pretty darn proud about every fucking pixel on this page. Gosh, I've never used the word 'pixel' in conversation before!!!
  6. I found the perfect tag board to fit with the colour scheme of the page. It's got some pretty cool smilies too.
  7. I love the idea of using a filmstrip for the writing area. I give full credit to Shvetank who came up with it. In fact, that was what sparked the whole filmy look! At first, I was going to have the full strip with those thingies (whatever they're called) on both sides. But it looks better this way.
  8. If you observe the clipboard carefully, you'll notice how I smartly got the hit counter to coincide with the 'take box' of the picture. I'm a genius, right?
  9. This blog is copyrighted. Not that anyone's going to bother copying anything off it. But it makes me feel important.
  10. I didn't want to remove the Blogger icon from the page. (I did remove the NavBar from the top. Yay!) It's convenient actually. So I 'black-and-whited' it. I noticed it read "I power Blogger". Then, by sheer chance, I came upon this really cute bunny animation. So, my genius brain put the 2 together and now, it looks like the bunny's saying that it powers Blogger with its cool dance moves. Fine. It cracks me up, at least.
  11. The only things that are out-of-theme are the clock and the 'countdowner'. (The colours suit though.) But I'm as excited about the World Cup as I am about having created this page. It's been a long, long time since I watched some good soccer, and it's about time!!!

Okay, so that's all, I guess. I don't think I missed anything. All you computer scientists out there, please don't burst my bubble. I know this page is far from perfect, but to a 'computer illiterate' like me, it's the best! If you've got any ideas, put them forth. I most probably won't give a damn, but you just might get lucky. (Okay, to be honest, I do want opinions on two issues. (1) Is the font okay? Or is it hard to read? (2) Do you guys like the haloscan commenting system, or should I revert back to Blogger's comment page itself. Let me know.) There are a couple of more things I want to add to the page but I couldn't wait any longer to show off my creation. And I do know that this page can do with some fine-tuning here and there. But hey, I'm not an expert. To me, this IS rocket science. (And not like how rocket science is to a rocket scientist.) If anyone has any questions to ask me about creating a template, I honestly have nothing to share with you. This was one of those things that I just could not have done on my own. For that, I'd like to thank the beauty that is the Internet, the beauty that is Google, Shaw Cable for the awesome internet service they provide me, all the wonderful people who take the trouble to put up "How to html" websites, and last but not the least, Blogger whose standard templates are 'tweakable'. I'd also like to thank all my fans who have spent precious minutes of their lives reading my blog. Thank you, one and all. Good night and good luck!

(No, this is not a post-Oscar blog theme. But speaking of the Oscars, and Crash winning over Brokeback Mountain, I think this one line by some newspaper-article-writer-whose-name-I-did-not-write-down sums it up perfectly - "I guess this year's Oscars only goes to show that the Americans obviously feel more guilty towards the Blacks than towards gays.")

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